Hoopla Comics & Graphic Novels eAudiobooks eBooks Magazines & Newspapers Mobile Apps Movies & TV Music
Libby eAudiobooks eBooks Magazines & Newspapers
LOTE4Kids eBooks New!
LOTE4Kids is an online database of children's books in dozens of different languages, that allows kids to enjoy the magic of books in LOTE (Languages Other Than English ). Each book also comes with English translations to help kids learn language.
LOTE4Kids has 3000+ digital picture books in 65+ languages, with new books and languages released each month to help us provide a more diverse and inclusive library service to our community.
EBSCO eBook Academic Collection eBooks
Multidisciplinary academic eBook collection representing a broad range of topics such as language, literary criticism, philosophy, political and social science, medicine, and more. 170,000+ titles.
Michigan eLibrary Resource
EBSCO eBook Business Collection eAudiobooks eBooks
17,000+ eBook and eAudiobook collection on a variety of business topics covering finance, economics, leadership, industry, and more.
EBSCO eBook High School Collection eBooks
10,000+ ebook collection for students and educators aligned with curricula and common core standards.
Michigan eLibrary Resource
EBSCO eBook Public Library Collection eBooks
Best-selling and popular eBook collection for adults and kids, including consumer topics like self-help, fitness, cooking, games, hobbies, family, medicine, and finance.
Michigan eLibrary Resource
Ebsco eBooks eBooks
Access 20,000+ full text eBooks from general interests to academic available on a variety of topics, like political science, design, language, travel, and biographies.
Michigan eLibrary Resource
Ebsco eBooks k-8 collection eBooks
Ebsco eBook Collection for Kids K-8 and Educators has fiction and nonfiction books from picture books to homework topics Picked out just for kids. Online help available.
Michigan eLibrary Resource
Gale Virtual Reference Library eBooks Encyclopedias
Hundreds of virtual books you can read immediately. The collection includes everything from research and homework ebooks to popular how-to titles on health, crafts, software, gardening, movies, language, business, education, science, travel and more. Download chapters and send them to your device or print pages.
Hoopla Comics & Graphic Novels eAudiobooks eBooks Magazines & Newspapers Mobile Apps Movies & TV Music
Libby eAudiobooks eBooks Magazines & Newspapers
LOTE4Kids eBooks New!
LOTE4Kids is an online database of children's books in dozens of different languages, that allows kids to enjoy the magic of books in LOTE (Languages Other Than English ). Each book also comes with English translations to help kids learn language.
LOTE4Kids has 3000+ digital picture books in 65+ languages, with new books and languages released each month to help us provide a more diverse and inclusive library service to our community.
PebbleGo eBooks
Highly interactive audio-enabled environment is friendly for beginning readers to foster independent learning in core subject areas with topics and ready-made activities.
- Video or audio clips for enhanced learning.
- Printable activities for reading and writing.
- Games to boost retention.
- Supplemental educator content includes content maps, lesson plans and links to curriculum standards.
Michigan eLibrary Resource