Dutch Artists: Classic and Modern

The Netherlands has a rich artistic heritage, with classic and modern artists making waves in their eras. Vincent van Gogh, known for his vibrant, expressive brushstrokes, gave the world masterpieces like Starry Night and Sunflowers. Despite his struggles with mental health, van Gogh's work laid the foundation for modern expressionism. Rembrandt van Rijn, another Dutch master, excelled in capturing the human condition. His famous painting, The Night Watch, showcases his incredible skill in using light and shadow, a technique known as chiaroscuro.

Fast forward to today, and the Dutch continue to influence the arts, but now with beats and bass. Tiësto is a legend in electronic music, pioneering the trance genre and headlining festivals worldwide. His track "Adagio for Strings" is an anthem for EDM lovers. Martin Garrix, a prodigy who started DJing at 14, is known for his high-energy hits like "Animals." Both Tiësto and Garrix have put the Netherlands on the map in the world of modern music, proving that Dutch creativity spans centuries and genres.