This month, to further the spooky vibes, let's try Zombie Dice. This is a quick game of chance and risk where you are the zombie, but will you be a smart one? Zombie Dice consists of a set of instructions, 13 custom die, and a can to keep it all in, and that's it. That's all you need.

On your turn, you are a zombie trying to see how many people you can eat without getting all shot up. You roll your dice and set aside any brains (yum) and blasts (ouch). If you have any runners (the feet), you can choose to reroll those, but pay attention to the color of the dice, they have varying numbers of outcomes on them. If you get shot three times on one turn, your turn is over and you score no points that round.

The first person to consume 13 brains is declared the winner and gets to go first should you play again. Zombie Dice is quick and easy to learn and travels well, so be sure to come try it out at a library game day.