Maker-in-Residence Program


Herrick District Library is looking for West Michigan creatives for our new Maker-in-Residence program. We want to help artists, makers, and writers of all kinds share their expertise with the HDL community. Whether you’re a recording artist, a sculptor, a poet, or a DIY extraordinaire – the Maker-in-Residence program wants to help you reach new audiences and teach others about the thing you do. 

The HDL Maker-in Residence program is an eight-week residency that includes drop-in studio time in Groundworks, hands-on workshops, and a stipend of $1,000 to help you keep making that thing you love! 

For more information and how to apply, go to

Or apply below!

Maker Application

"*" indicates required fields

Full Name*
Physical Address*
Which session(s) would you like to participate?*
500 word max
500 word max
If you are selected for a residency, this information will be included in official promotions (250 word max)
Please note this is not the only option for your project and your answers here will not cement your final project - we just want to learn more about your creative ideas!
If yes, please list dates and times below. If no, type "n/a" below.
You may also share a link to your portfolio in the "Anything else..." response section below. If your file attachments exceed 20MB total, please use the link option.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, docx, ppt, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 10.
    Accepted file types: docx, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.