Money Basics for New Adults

New to living on our own and want to afford more than ramen someday? Here are some current books to help you get there. Whether you're struggling with debt, learning how to support yourself, or figuring out how to prioritize when it comes to money, these books focus on the basics and are accessible introductions to the world of managing your money.  


Finding a budget that works for you can be daunting. These books make it straightforward and simple.

Budgeting 101

You Need A Budget


If you have debt, you’re not alone. According to Pew Research Center, in 2015 80% of Americans had debt. If you’re trying to tackle yours and need some motivation, check these out.

The Spender's Guide to Debt-free Living

The 2% Rule to Get Debt Free Fast

Eating Cheap:

You do still have to eat! Try these books if you're looking for creative ways to save money and still eat well. 

Good and Cheap

Frugal Vegan

Resetting Your Relationship with Money:

Some of us might not have been taught any money skills growing up, or we've already formed some money habits that we want to kick. These books will help you form a new mindset about spending and saving. 

Get Good With Money

Get A Financial Life

Your Money or your Life

Interested in more? Check out this list of further reading:

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