Teen Summer Read Ideas

Summer time means free time, or at least more of it than normal. Which for me means I'm always ready to add more books to my TBR and start to work my way through the list. 

Sometimes though, I'm not into my 'To Be Read' list and am looking for some new books. So, if you're finding yourself struggling to find a new read... don't worry we've got you. Check out some of the lists below for recommended summer reads. It's also a great place to start if you're participating in our Summer Reading Challenge. 

If you don't see a list for you or want more recommendations, feel free to stop by either Herrick location or email us at teenlibrarian@herrickdl.org

YA Romantasy '24

List created by HerrickDL_Heather

If you like your romance with a side of fantasy or your fantasy with a side of romance this list might be for you. HerrickDL TeenPicks

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YA Summer Scares '24

List created by HerrickDL_Heather

If you're looking for a scare-worthy ya book. HerrickDL TeenPicks

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Great Graphic Novels YA '24

List created by HerrickDL_Heather

Checkout some of these popular teen graphic novels. HerrickDL TeenPicks

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Teen Beach Reads '24

List created by HerrickDL_Heather

If you're looking for something to keep you gripped while you're hanging out on the beach this summer. HerrickDL TeenPicks

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It's the End of the World as We Know It YA '24

List created by HerrickDL_Heather

Check out these apocalyptic scenarios and see if you think you could survive. HerrickDL TeenPicks

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