The Voice Behind Murderbot

“Have you read Murderbot yet?” Anyone who knows me can tell you I have been asking this incessantly for a year now. Martha Wells’ Hugo Award Winning series, The Murderbot Diaries, quickly became a favorite sci-fi book series for me after I finally checked out the first volume, All Systems Red

Reader, I loved it. 

For the uninitiated, Murderbot follows the adventures of a security robot who has hacked its own system to become autonomous. The catch is, as Murderbot will frequently tell you, social situations give Murderbot intense anxiety and it would rather spend its days rewatching favorite tv shows. Still, Murderbot will always (begrudgingly) rise to the challenge and save the day but not without spewing as much snark and sarcasm as possible. It’s a hilarious romp across space in high-action situations around shady corporations, shady business deals, and equally shady villains. 

So here’s the thing. I’ve never been much of an audiobook person but I’ve frequently heard that the audio versions of Murderbot Diaries enhanced the experience, if only for Kevin R. Free’s incredible narration. I have to say, I can’t think of Murderbot now without Free’s voice behind the machine. He nails the comedic timing and delivers all the sharp and snarky humor with incredible finesse, making this a laugh out loud experience that will have people staring at you if you are listening in public (sorry neighbors). Which will provide you with an opportune moment to recommend Murderbot.

Kevin R. Free’s name and voice might be familiar to you. Free has had an impressive career, working as an NPR correspondent, appearing in many plays, narrating a long list of audiobooks but I immediately recognized his voice as Kevin from the podcast Welcome to Night Vale. I’d listen to anything he narrates, his voice is so smooth and engaging, and I’d like to extend the opportunity to hear Free read to you in a wide variety of books. Want Murderbot to read you a bedtime story? You are in luck, as he reads many Eric Carle stories such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar. So check out Kevin R. Free but also be sure to check out The Murderbot Diaries!

The Voice of Kevin R. Free

List created by HerrickDL_SteveP

Kevin R. Free is the unmistakable voice of Murderbot (of Martha Wells Hugo winning series), perfectly capture all the snark and charm of the beloved robot. Check out some of the many other stories he has narrated (and perhaps imagine it is Murderbot reading to you). herrickdl adultpicks

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