What I’m Listening To – August Travel Edition

Hello all, and welcome to another month of What I'm Listening To! I was thinking hard about what theme I could go with this month, and it dawned on me that school is right around the corner. Families are hitting the road, getting their last big trip of the summer out of the way before the Fall begins. So with that, here are five of my favorite "Travel Songs".

"Holiday Road" - Lindsey Buckingham (Solo Anthology: The Best of Lindsey Buckingham)

If someone doesn't start or have this on their top list of travel songs, STOP READING IT! This song made popular by the 1980's movie National Lampoon's Vacation is so, so good. The upbeat music tempo along with the background chorus made this an instant hit. Just typing about this song right now, I have it playing in my head. Definitely THE best summer vacation song.

Solo Anthology: the Best of Lindsey Buckingham (remastered)

"Born to Be Wild" - Steppenwolfe (The abc/dunhill Singles Collection)

If you have ever driven up past Big Rapids or Cadillac, you'll notice the scenery changes. The frequency of towns and people dissipate, leaving only the wilderness in front of you. While driving up there, this song comes into my head. Steppenwolfe's greatest hit of all time, this track reinforces the idea that we are untamed and meant to explore. Also, you might here this in a car ad every once in a while. Great song.

The Abc/dunhill Singles Collection

"Road Trippin'" - Red Hot Chili Peppers (Californication)

Red Hot Chili Peppers is one of my personal favorite bands. They can rock when they want, or sing a more toned back style. "Road Trippin'" is literally a song about going on a trip with friends. This album just skyrocketed them to stardom, with the titular "Californication" being among the hits (Scar Tissue is a great song as well....matter of fact, just listen to all the tracks). 


"Life is a Highway" - Tom Cochrane (Mad Mad World)

I'll be honest with you folks. This is the only Tom Cochrane song I know. In fact, I had to look up who actually sang this song. You've probably heard it a bunch on the radio like I did, but never really knew who sang it. Besides yourself. In your car. Banging your hand on the side of the car as you flew down the street. Come on, I can't be the only one!?

Mad Mad World

"Take Me Home, Country Roads" - John Denver (The Windstar Greatest Hits)

Come on, admit it. You knew this one was coming. Vacations are great and all, but after a while you get a little homesick. You just want to sleep in your bed, not on the tent floor. You wish you could just teleport instantly instead of having to drive 12 hours south after being in the Upper Peninsula all week. This song encapsulates the longing of returning home. Back to your pet who is waiting for you. Back to the armchair you'll sleep in after arriving back home. To get there though, you have to travel. And sometimes, that's taking country roads.

The Windstar Greatest Hits