What is the HDL collection development policy?

Collection Development Policy

Last Revision 10/2016
The selection policy of the Herrick District Library supports the general mission of the Library, the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read and Freedom to View Statement.
It is the policy of Herrick District Library to meet the informational, recreational and cultural needs of the community by providing a variety of library resources. All acquisitions, before being purchased or accepted as gifts, are evaluated in terms of the following criteria and in the context of economic and space considerations. An item will not necessarily be judged against all criteria, but against those appropriate and applicable to it. These same standards determine the replacement, duplication, and withdrawal of materials.

Selection Criteria:

  • Relevance to interests and needs of the communit
  • Anticipated demand or critical review and publicity
  • Suitability of physical form for library use
  • Local significance of the author or subject
  • Relevance to the existing collection’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Current or historical significance of the author or subject
  • Reputation and/or significance of the author/artist and publisher/producer
  • Relevance to the experiences and contributions of diverse populations
  • Price, availability in relation to Library materials budget
  • Public demand as expressed through requests and suggestions

Youth Services

The Youth Services collection provides materials for children from birth through age 18. Parents or guardians are responsible for materials accessed by children and teens.

Digital Collection

Selection of digital content can vary among vendors who supply digital content to the library. In digital platforms where individual title selection is not available, subscription to the service will be based upon the reputation and overall content offerings of the vendor.

Requests for Reconsideration

Herrick District Library cardholders may request the reconsideration of specific library material selection or placement by completing the Library Materials Reconsideration form. The request will be reviewed based on the above criteria.

Collection Management

Withdrawn library materials will be given to non-profit community organizations. Priority will be given to the Friends of the Herrick District Library.