
Kids Feature Blog

Our Favorite Storytime Books

Here in the children's department, we love storytime! And we love storytime books even more!


Kids Books


Featured Kids List

"Lote4Kids: Storytime in your language" over a photo of a globe and the Lote4Kids logo


LOTE4Kids is a database of children's books in many different languages, so kids can enjoy books in LOTE (Languages Other Than English).

Recommended Reading

Girl Power

Middle grade fantasy books and graphic novels featuring strong female protagonists.

Kids Comic Book Club: Dinosaurs

March's Kids Comic Book Club meeting is all about dinosaurs! Check out some of these recommendations from Miss Amanda.

2025 Rainbow Book List: Picture Books

Brought to you by the Rainbow Rnd Tab of the ALA, a group of picture books catering to LGBT+ published July 23 - Dec 24. HerrickDL KidPicks


Event Resources

"Chomp Saw" overlaid on a photo of hands guiding a piece of cardboard through a chomp saw

Chomp Saw Your Own 3D Dinosaur Puzzle

Mar 24th | 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Join us in Groundworks to get your hands on our new Chomp Saws. These new saws safely cut through cardboard like a hot knife though butter!
"Sing Song Yoga" overlaid on a photo of the yoga teacher with a parent and children, all engaged in a downward dog pose

Sing Song Yoga Storytime

Mar 25th | 9:30am - 10:15am
Come join the fun with Sing Song Yoga® founder Deb Weiss-Gelmi as she combines yoga, songs, and literacy for this family event.
"Paleo Joe" over a photo of a man in a khaki colored shirt and hat holding a dinosaur skeleton

Paleo Joe Dinosaur Hunter

Mar 29th | 11:00am - 12:00pm
Travel back in time with Paleo Joe as he explores prehistoric times and dinosaurs! Learn how different kinds of fossils are formed & more.


Movies, Music & Media

Media Releases


Kids Resources

"Lote4Kids: Storytime in your language" over a photo of a globe and the Lote4Kids logo


LOTE4Kids is a database of children's books in many different languages, so kids can enjoy books in LOTE (Languages Other Than English).

ABC Mouse

Educational website for kids 2-7 years old to explore math, reading, art, science & music through puzzles, stories and interactive games.
"Libby for Kids" with the Libby icon against a magenta background

Libby Kids

Digital library collection of eBooks, eMagazines and eAudiobooks for kids. Borrow with your library card and download to any device.

Kanopy Kids

Curated, award winning video content for kids. Log in with a library card, select content, and access content for 72 hours.

Text AlertsText Alerts

Keep up to date on your library account with text alerts for holds, items due soon and overdue items.
Keep up to date on your library account with text alerts for holds, items due soon and overdue items.

Audio-Enabled Books

Early Literacy

This Month's Early Literacy Calendar - English
This Month's Early Literacy Calendar - Español


Talking with children helps them learn oral language, one of the most critical early literacy skills. Children learn about language by listening to parents talk and joining in the conversation.


Singing develops language skills. Slows down language so children can hear the different sounds in words. Helps children learn new words and information.


Reading together develops vocabulary and comprehension, nurtures a love for reading, and motivates children to want to learn to read.


Play is one of the best ways for children to learn language and literacy skills. They learn about language through playing as the activities help them put thoughts into words and talk about what they are doing.


Children become aware that printed letters stand for spoken words as they see print used in their daily lives.

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