
What do I like to read? How about what don’t I like to read??? I’m constantly learning about new subjects that I want to dive into - eyeballs first. In nonfiction, I have a particular love of anything related to women’s history. In fiction, I read just about everything under the sun, but I am especially drawn to stories with a historical or spooky angle. But that’s not to say I don’t also adore contemporary or lighthearted tales! Good storytelling can always find a place on my bookshelf.

When I’m not reading or designing awesome library programming, I love to write young adult novels. I’m very invested in creating stories for foster kids because I used to be one. The fact that I could never find authentic stories about foster kids when I was younger might be one reason why I grew up to become a librarian. Representation matters!

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Reading Lists

Lindsay's Reading List

HDL Readers' Choice Awards (Adult Picks, 2023)

Which of this year's most popular books will you vote for? Vote online or at either HDL branch from December 1 - 23


Book, both fiction and non, that either have the feels of Homegoing or deeper dives into the themes and topics of Homegoing.

IPPY Award Winners (2023)

The Independent Publisher Book Awards (fondly known as the IPPYs) have rewarded outstanding books from small publishers since 1996.

Summer Challenge 2023: Break-up Books (Adult)

Breakups stink. Whether you broke up with a long time friend or a short-term partner, no one likes going through the breakup process.

Summer Challenge 2023: Classic Retellings (Adult Fiction)

The classics are classic for a reason, right? Here are some adult fiction titles that put a little spin on well-loved tales.

Insects Are Cooler Than You Think (I Promise!)

Listen, insects are actually really cool if you take the time to get to know them. Here are some great books to get you started.

Top Authors at HDL

Want to know what authors your community members read the most? Here are the authors that get the most check outs.

Star Wars All Year Long

If you only celebrate Star Wars on Star Wars Day (May 4th), then consider joining the dark side. We celebrate Star Wars all year long!


From swashbucklers to space - here are a few favorite pirate stories.

Great Women in History

We usually tell the same few stories every Women's History Month. This year, let's learn about some new, to us, amazing women.

Best New Historical Fiction (2022)

Are you hungry for fresh, new (so to speak) historical fiction titles? Here's a list for you to gobble up this winter.

Michigan Fiction (Adult and Teen)

Want to read stories that take place in the great state of Michigan? Here are a few titles that will make you feel right at home.

Yoga and Meditation Resources

If you're interested in exploring more about mindfulness, yoga, or meditation - we have resources for you!

LOTR Obsession

In case you’ve been living in a hobbit hole, there’s a very popular television series out in the Lord of the Rings universe.

Library and Librarian Appreciation

Libraries are more than a mere collection of books. They provide essential services that help communities learn, evolve, and thrive.

New Adult Fiction Authors (2022)

Every year, new authors release their first book out into the world after years of writing, re-writing, editing, re-editing.

Lindsay's Blog

"HDL Readers Choice Awards" over an illustration of a trophy on a stage with red curtains

HDL Readers' Choice Awards 2025

HDL patrons voted on their favorite books from our top circulating titles of 2024. The ballots have been counted and we have our winners!

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