Hail to the Chief

When I think of the US Independence Day, I think about freedom, fireworks, and George Washington. And when I think about George Washington, I think about his teeth, thanks to my six-year-old who is very interested (bordering on obsessive) with his teeth. Along with so many facts, I learned by listening to Ron Chernow's biography called Washington.

Spoilers ahead!! - He was never shot in battle, he was a giant of a man, and he loved parties and dancing. After completing the audiobook, I looked at the man and the United States through different, more well-informed eyes.

This book started an epic presidential quest of reading biographies about each one. Considering the length of these books and that I'm only through Thomas Jefferson (#3), I'm not sure if I'll ever finish, but here is a great website that attempts to rank the best bios available.


If you're looking for a great way to introduce children to our first president and his weird teeth, check out I Am George Washington by Brad Meltzer.