Teen Art Gallery: Mini Paper Mache Sculptures

This month, we will be getting messy with our Teen Art Gallery. From September 1st to September 15th, you can make a mini paper mache sculpture. Stop by the Teen desk to pick up a kit. Your design options are only limited by your ideas and the size. After all, can we really call it mini if it's huge?

When you get your kit, there are supplies to make your basic sculpture. Teens are allowed to paint their sculptures if they wish, but only with their own paints. Sculptures don't need to be painted to be turned in.

When your masterpiece is complete, stop by the Teen desk and fill out an entry form when you turn your sculpture in. All mini paper mache sculptures are due no later than Friday, September 15th. Mini paper mache sculptures will be on display from September 16th through October 5th.

Don't forget to look for teen art gallery mediums, something new each month. Have an idea for a teen art gallery? Let us know at teenlibrarian@herrickdl.org.