Maker-in-Residence Application

Herrick District Library is is looking for West Michigan creatives for our new Maker-in-Residence program. We want to helps artists, makers, and writers of all kinds share their expertise with the HDL community. Whether you’re a recording artist, a sculptor, a poet, or a DIY extraordinaire – the Maker-in-Residence program wants to help you reach new audiences and teach others about the thing you love. 

The HDL Maker-in Residence program is an eight-week residency that includes drop-in studio time in Groundworks, at least one hands-on workshop, and a stipend of $1,000 to help you keep making that thing you love! 

We will be interviewing and selecting candidates based on a set schedule. Applications will be open between:

  • Dec 30 – Jan 31 for the Summer (June, July, August) and Fall (Sept, Oct, Nov) sessions.

Please visit Call for Makers to review the Maker-In-Residence programs guidelines and expectations. Questions? We'd love to hear from you! Email us at

The application process for the Maker-in-Residence position closed February 1, 2025. Thanks for your interest.

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