Seed Library

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Seed Library Events

multi-colored tomatoes in a green bowl

Seed Donation Highlight: Lake Mac Monsters

This year, Kathleen Schenck and Mike Tuccini, of Holland, donated a very special tomato seed that they developed themselves.

Gardening Story: Peppers in Texas

It's always exciting to see where our seeds end up!

Tough Gardening Questions? Ask the MSU Extension.

Solve tricky gardening conundrums with Michigan State's Q&A tool!

Seed Library Donations

Both the Main Library and the North Branch have donation envelopes and a seed donation box located near the seed library catalog. Please fill out the donation form on the outside of the envelope as thoroughly as you can before putting your seeds inside and dropping it off inside the donation box. You can also print off the form and attach it to your donation.

Single Button Module

Donation Form

Gardening Materials

Garden Materials

Reading Lists

Seed Library Lists

Seed Library 101: Seed Saving

If you'd like to start using the HDL Seed Library and want to learn more about saving seeds, here are some popular books to help you!

Seed Library 101: Starting Seeds Indoors

Starting seeds indoors can be intimidating, but it can also give you a headstart to Michigan's short growing season.

Companion Planting

Make the most of your crops with companion planting.

General Gardening

General books on gardening—no super-seed-saver skills required. Tips for veggies, flowers, garden design, or what-have-you!

Seed Library Resources


Seed Library Blogs

Seed Saving for Those Worried About Doing it Wrong

Curious about the seed library, but hesitant to try it because you're a newbie? Read these tips to increase your confidence!

The Big List of Online Gardening Tips

A long list of blogs, YouTube channels, and seed saving websites to help you with your gardening questions!

Seed Library FAQs

  • The 2025 season begins Thursday, March 20.

  • Seed libraries are a lot like other kinds of libraries! Their main purpose is to share or lend seeds to a community. Seeds libraries encourage gardeners to save quality seeds that are suitable for the local growing area. Successful seed libraries can even preserve rare or heirloom seeds from the area as well. 

  • During the growing season, visit our repurposed card catalog (at either location) and select the seeds you’d like to try growing. There is no need to check out the seeds like you would with other library materials. We do ask that you not take more than you are willing to plant and that you consider saving some seeds to “return” to the seed library for others to “borrow” next year.

  • We have many print materials available at the library with information about seed saving! We have also compiled information online from websites we like, if you prefer online sources.

  • Both the Main Library and the North Branch have donation envelopes and a seed donation box located near the seed library catalog. Please fill out the donation form on the outside of the envelope as thoroughly as you can before dropping it off inside the donation box. If your donation is too large to fit through the slot, please speak to a staff member at the Information Desk.

    Please thresh your seeds. Processing donations takes a lot of staff time, which can be saved if your donations are ready-to-plant and not still inside pods, fluff, wet, etc. 

Gardening Videos

SSE Heritage Farm

The YouTube channel for Seed Savers Exchange, a non-profit dedicated to saving, preserving, and sharing heirloom seeds and plants.


Simple information on sustainable, organic gardening on a budget for the whole family. Based in Michigan!

Epic Gardening

Videos that help people learn how to grow fresh, healthy food, despite the constraints of where they live—great for people without a yard!

The Gardening Channel

James Prigioni teaches how to work with nature, rather than against it, so you don't have to sweat so hard to keep your garden growing.

More Gardening Resources

Zone 6 Growing Calendar

Michigan is in Zone 6 for gardening. Learn what that means and what to plant when here!

Planting a Smart Vegetable Garden

Things to consider as you're planning the layout of your garden.

Smart Gardening

What is pollination? Produce more vegetables and fruit by understanding the process of pollination and how you can protect pollinators.

How to Save Seeds

A guide for beginners.
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