As one of our storytime leaders, I am always looking for ways to up my game and make storytime even better! I have some friends who are real live rock stars who both play guitar (no kidding; they’re famous!). I was chatting with one of them recently, and although I am looking to learn an instrument, the guitar felt too big and too much for me. So, one of my friends suggested the ukulele. It’s small, has only 4 strings, and comes in fun colors! AND, most importantly, we have them for check-out through the Library of Things! I checked one out, my friend gave some quicky fingerings to learn, and I was off and learning! It’s a slow learn for me; I am finding that my fingers need a lot of muscle learning to get things right and it’s slow learning to switch notes quickly, but I really like it! I went out and bought my own. It’s pink! I am hoping to be up to speed by summer reading this year!
Up your game by learning to play this cool stringed instrument! This list contains books to help you learn, music to listen to, and more!